Thursday, May 26, 2005

Star Wars ROCKS!

So many Jedi duels, Yoda trying to absorb Palpatine's Force Lightning, Obi-Wan vs General Grievious (spelling?). Sooo coooool, but I didn't know Palpatine who is sooo old can jump here and there, how old is he? like 60? omg,he should be having back pains!!! Force Lightning is ok, but lightsabre duels??? phew. Absolutely loved those duels.

Now why weren't the duels from Jedi games that good? As far as I can remember, the duel between Anakin/Vadar and Obi-Wan (in Episode IV) and Luke (in Episode VI) wasn't that amazing either. They were like practising Kendo. Well, technology wasn't that good then but still, but Lucus could have done something about it...

Anyway, before I went for the movie, I found a book in a bookstore, "The Oracle Book". Quite interesting. It was simple, hold the book in your hands and think of a yes/no question. Then run ur finger or thumb across the edges. Stop when you feel it then open.

So obviously my first question was will I get into medicine or not. It said "Tarot: Death Card." No, I'm not dying, lolz. Then they go on and explain that it is not out of reach (can't rmb the exact beautiful meaning). Oh, so happy. Then i asked another question that came into my mind. I asked whether I will be rich or not (who doesn't?). "You'll will have it but it will be in MODERATION." Oh! *sob* hahahahahahahahah! Nevermind, the Tarot Card was enough.

My friend tried also, she was thinking whether she should go back to Palmerston North (near Wellington) to study vet instead. The book said it will be a big risk but success can be achieved. Quite weird huh? The book really answers the questions.

Gave me hope that book. I wonder will it be true. Oh well...

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